Anticorrosive materials

The VMP Research and Production Holding produces paint anticorrosive materials applied for painting of metal, concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Metal protection


Experts of VMP Holding can provide you with qualified assistance in selecting the coating system.

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Catalog. Corrosion protection of metal

For reliable metal protection against corrosion, the VMP offers coating systems developed on the base of modern anticorrosive materials.

Wide range of products solve different issues in metal protection against corrosion. The VMP produces materials on different bases: polyurethane, epoxy and vinyl-epoxy, silicone and other.

Corrosion protection of metal structures by the VMP materials

To create coatings with long operating life, the Holding developed materials with effective anticorrosive pigments:

  • zinc powder ensures metal protector protection;
  • zinc phosphate used for inhibitive protection;
  • aluminum powder and «iron» mica ensure barrier protection.

The VMP coatings are used for corrosion protection of differently prepared metal structures: abrasive-blast, mechanical or hand cleaning.

Coating system used for corrosion protection consists of one or several layers of coating materials. Materials compatibility is specified in detailed description.