VINICOR®-ecoprime primer-enamel

TS 20.30.12-010-67503963-2017
  • Epoxy primer-enamel
  • Color: red-brown, blue, green, beige*, gray*, black, and other colors
  • Package: Double-packed
Detailed feature Download

Beware of fakes! The original VMP container is a tin conical jar (euro jar) with a “Crown” lid. Image application method – tin lithography, label – self-adhesive paper. Exceptions are: ZFES and ZFES-MO (binder is supplied in plastic canisters); ALISTERUS 3105, SOLV-UR, SOLV-EP, SOLV-ES, SOLVIN (metal barrel or plastic canister). Other containers indicate counterfeit origin of the products! In case of any doubts about the authenticity of the purchased products, contact the VMP Holding:, 8 (800) 500-54-00


Double-packed  primer-enamel  based on epoxy resin  and  amine-type hardener;  contains  corrosion inhibitors.

Recommended use 

The primer-enamel shall be applied for protective and decorative coating of:
- the outer surfaces of freight rolling stock of all types and other railway transport objects;
- the  inner surfaces of freight wagon body used for non-food bulky goods, including  mineral fertilizers (excluding grain hopper wagons and covered lining wagons);
- the metal structures of railway infrastructure (excluding railroad bridges);
- other metal structures used in atmospheric conditions and inside premises and exposed to aggressive environments.
The primer-enamel is recommended to be applied as an independent coating. When painting of metal structures used in atmospheric conditions,  the primer-enamel  can be  overlapped  with  VINICOR-62 (TU  20.30.12-001-54359536-2018),  POLYTON-UR (UV) (TU 20.30.12-033-12288779-2018)  enamels, VINICOR  (TU  20.30.12-001-54359536-2018),  VINICOR-acryl  (TU 2312-005-67503963-2015)  primer-enamels, and other epoxy-vinyl, epoxy, acrylate and polyurethane enamels and primer-enamels, if required.
It is allowed to apply  the primer-enamel  on consolidated residual corrosion products  and old coatings based on alkyd, vinyl, epoxy-vinyl or epoxy materials.

Certificates, Approvals

State registration certificate No. RU.Е.000475.03.18 dated 05.03.2018;
It is included in GOST 7409-2018 “Freight wagons. Requirements to paintwork coatings and anticorrosive protection and control methods”;
It is approved by  the  Railway Research Institute  –  decision No.1536 on application for painting of freight rolling stock of railway transport.

Surface preparation

For railway transport objects:

  • to degrease metal surface to the 1 grade according to GOST 9.402;
  • to do  abrasive  blast cleaning from scale, corrosion products and old coatings to at least 2  gradeaccording to GOST 9.402 (or not less than Sa 2  ½ according to ISO 8501-1), recommended  surface roughness is 30-50 µm with grit profile;
Surface cleaning to 3  grade  according to GOST 9.402 (or not less than Sa 2 according to ISO 8501-1) is allowed for painting of other objects.
Cleaning with power  tool to degree not less than St 2 according to ISO 8501-1 is allowed in hard-to-reach places and for painting of small areas;
  • to remove dust.
Before  the  second layer  application,  and before finishing enamel application,  the coating  shall  be dry, clean, oil and dust shall be removed.


  • mix base thoroughly to homogenous condition before application;
  • with constant stirring, add a hardener to the base and mix thoroughly.
The mixing ratio of the base and hardener (EN-14) by mass 100:7.5
  • if necessary, the composition should be diluted to the working viscosity;
  • holding time of the prepared material before application is 15-20 minutes covered with a lid.
When organizing painting works,  at temperature increase, it is necessary to consider the working life decrease of applied material (after mixing the components).
The material is recommended to be applied at temperature from  minus  10 to  plus  35 °C  (when painting  the  railway  freight rolling stock, the recommended temperature range is from plus 5 to plus 35 °C) and relative air humidity not more than 85 %. The temperature of the painted surface shall be above the dew point by at least 3 °C, but not more than 40 °C. 
The material is recommended to be applied in 1-2 layers.

Intermediate drying between the layers of  the  primer-enamel and  before finishing enamels application is not less than 6 hours at temperature of plus 20 °C; 1 hour at temperature of plus 60 °C.
Hardening  time depends on the temperature of surface and ambient air, degree of  the material dilution, coating thickness, ventilation efficiency, and relative air humidity.
Holding time  of the coating  before operating in aggressive conditions is not less than  7 days at temperature from plus 15 to plus 22 °С. Holding shall be increased at air temperature decrease.
When painting the railway freight rolling stock, one shall observe the GOST 7409-2018 instructions.

Storage and handling

The material is delivered in packages: base and hardener packed in metal buckets and metal cans respectively depending on the set weight.
Storage conditions  –  according to GOST 9980.5 (at  air  temperature from minus 40 to plus 40 °C). 
The container  with the material components  shall be  stored away from heating sources,  protected from atmospheric condensation and direct sunlight.
The shelf life  in hermetically enclosed  original  containers  is determined by warranty storage of the base (24 months) and hardener (12 months) starting with the manufacture date.


When working  with the  material,  one shall observe the existing sectoral standard norms and requirements and safety measures as specified on the package label.
One shall use personal protective equipment (goggles, face masks and respirators) and avoid inhalation of  thinners and contact of the  material  or its components  with skin, eye mucosa, respiratory channels; use inside the premises is allowed only in case sufficient ventilation is provided.
The material and its components (the base and hardener) are fire-hazardous!

The information is of general character, without consideration to the object specific nature. Use of materials for other purposes not specified here or in case other influencing factors are present shall be approved by the  VMP Holding CJSC  in writing. In case of absence of such approval the manufacturer is not held liable for the improper use of the material and the buyer falls from the right to present claims connected with the coating quality.

Beware of fakes!

The original VMP container is a tin conical jar (euro jar) with a “Crown” lid. Image application method – tin lithography, label – self-adhesive paper. Exceptions are: ZFES and ZFES-MO (binder is supplied in plastic canisters); ALISTERUS 3105, SOLV-UR, SOLV-EP, SOLV-ES, SOLVIN (metal barrel or plastic canister). Other containers indicate counterfeit origin of the products! In case of any doubts about the authenticity of the purchased products, contact the VMP Holding:, 8 (800) 500-54-00

how to distinguish signs of counterfeit products

Experts of VMP Holding can provide you with qualified assistance in selecting the coating system.

 You can call us by phone  +7 (343) 357-30-97, +7 (343) 385-79-00, or contact us by clicking the button below. You can also find out, how to distinguish counterfeit products from original ones.