ALPOL® anticorrosive composition
- Anticorrosive composition
- Color: Homogeneous silvery-gray with shine
- Package: Single-packed composition
Beware of fakes! The original VMP container is a tin conical jar (euro jar) with a “Crown” lid. Image application method – tin lithography, label – self-adhesive paper. Exceptions are: ZFES and ZFES-MO (binder is supplied in plastic canisters); ALISTERUS 3105, SOLV-UR, SOLV-EP, SOLV-ES, SOLVIN (metal barrel or plastic canister). Other containers indicate counterfeit origin of the products! In case of any doubts about the authenticity of the purchased products, contact the VMP Holding:, 8 (800) 500-54-00
Single-packed composition based on high molecular weight synthetic polymer and aluminum powder.
Recommended use
Anticorrosive protection of steel articles and structures operated in the atmospheric conditions of all macroclimate areas, types of atmosphere and placement categories according to GOST 15150. The composition is used on zinc-rich coatings ZINOL and ZINOL-SV (TU 2313-012-12288779-99) as a protective and decorative layer (application in 1-2 layers).
The ALPOL coating is not stable in gasoline and a number of organic thinners.
Certificates, Approvals
Certificate of state registration No. RU. dated 28.02.2012.
GOST 9.401-2018, RD GM-02-18 Trest Gidromontazh, Gosstroy of Russia TS 5264-853-01393674-07 "Foundations on screw piles for supports of the contact network", Register of NK Rosneft JSC/
Approved by NPO Lakokraspokrytie, LLC; Roads and Bridges research institute, Poland; Central scientific Research Institute of Construction; Central scientific research institute Melnikov; The Central researchand development automobileand engine institute; Institute of Metallurgy (Ekaterinburg).
Technical data
Coating | |
Dry film thickness, µm | 20 - 40 |
Adhesion according to GOST 15140 | 1 grade, not more than |
according to GOST 31149 | 0 grade, not more than |
Impact strength | 50 cm, not less than |
Flexibility | 2 mm, not more than |
Heat resistance in air | 120 °C |
Coating class | IV |
Composition | |
Density, g/cm3 | 0,94 - 0,96 |
Viscosity according to viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at temperature (20±2)°C, s |
50-150 |
Non-volatile matter content, % |
23,0 - 27,0 % |
Drying time to degree 3 at temperature (20±2)°С according to GOST 19007-73, h |
0.5, not more than |
Surface preparation
Primer coating ZINOL (ZINOL-SV) must be cleaned from dust and dirt, degreased with aqueous solutions using detergents (pH of the solution in the range of 6 to 8) and dried. Do not use solvents for degreasing!
- mix the composition thoroughly to homogenous condition before application;
- if necessary, dilute to working viscosity immediately before application;
- during work, the composition should be mixed intermittently.
When applying multilayer coatings, each subsequent application should be applied after the previous one has dried to "tack" (slight touch on the coating does not leave a trace and does not give a feeling of stickiness).
Drying of the coating is natural. The time for complete hardening of the coating and holding time before the start of operation in severe atmosphere is at least 7 days, before the beginning of packaging and transportation - 24 hours.
Storage and handling
The composition is delivered in packages: in metal buckets or metal cans.
Storage and transportation conditions of composition – according to GOST 9980.5 (at air temperature from minus 40 °C to plus 40 °C). The container with composition shall be protected from direct sunlight and atmospheric condensation. It is allowed to store containers with a composition for short periods in direct sunlight, but not more than 3 hours.
In case of storage at low temperatures before application, the composition should be kept in warm for a day.
The shelf life of the in hermetically enclosed original container is 24 months starting with the manufacture date.
When working with the composition, one shall observe the existing sectoral standard norms and requirements and safety measures as specified on the package label.
Personal protective equipment (goggles, face masks and respirators) shall be used, inhalation of thinners and contact of the composition or its components with skin, ocular mucosa, respiratory channels shall be avoided; use inside the premises is allowed only in case sufficient ventilation is provided.
The composition is classified as a fire-hazardous material.
The information is of general character, without consideration to the object specific nature. Use of materials for other purposes not specified here or in case other influencing factors are present shall be approved by the VMP Holding CJSC in writing. In case of absence of such approval the manufacturer is not held liable for the improper use of the material and the buyer falls from the right to present claims connected with the coating quality.

Beware of fakes!
The original VMP container is a tin conical jar (euro jar) with a “Crown” lid. Image application method – tin lithography, label – self-adhesive paper. Exceptions are: ZFES and ZFES-MO (binder is supplied in plastic canisters); ALISTERUS 3105, SOLV-UR, SOLV-EP, SOLV-ES, SOLVIN (metal barrel or plastic canister). Other containers indicate counterfeit origin of the products! In case of any doubts about the authenticity of the purchased products, contact the VMP Holding:, 8 (800) 500-54-00
how to distinguish signs of counterfeit productsExperts of VMP Holding can provide you with qualified assistance in selecting the coating system.
You can call us by phone +7 (343) 357-30-97, +7 (343) 385-79-00, or contact us by clicking the button below. You can also find out, how to distinguish counterfeit products from original ones.